Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SEND Coordinator - Jo Illingworth
Contact details - Phone - 01484506526
At Highburton CE First Academy, we believe it is important to provide children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) with a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum with regular access to all subjects and areas of learning. All children irrespective of SEND should be fully included in all aspects of school life.
We believe all teachers are responsible for children's learning and that children with SEND should be included as much as possible within their class and not be routinely segregated from their teachers and peers. In addition, we promote the effective use of Learning Support Assistants (ETA’s) to support all children to overcome barriers to learning and increase participation, particularly those children with SEND.
- To identify pupils with SEND as early as possible and ensure that their needs are met, enabling every child to achieve to his or her full potential.
- To deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to all our children that is differentiated to the needs and ability of the individual.
- To promote effective partnerships between children, parents, staff, governors, Local Authority, Multi Academies Trust (MAT) and outside agencies.
- To ensure all pupils take a full and active part in school life.
- To overcome barriers to learning and increase participation for all pupils.
- To ensure equality of opportunity for, and to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against, children with SEND.
- To ensure that pupils with SEND are perceived positively by all members of the school community, and that SEND and inclusive provision is positively valued.
- To build partnerships with parents/carers of children with SEND and provide support so they can play an active and valued role in their children’s education.
To have a child-centred approach to special educational provision and involve children in planning and decision making that affects them
As advocated by the Code of Practice, Highburton CE First Academy has a graduated response to the identification and education of children with SEND. This incorporates universal provision, SEN Support and higher needs provision through Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs).
Universal Provision is through quality first teaching which is the first step in responding to children who have SEND. This incorporates some interventions and strategies to support learning. Interventions at Universal Level may be recorded on Support Plans and Record of Interventions sheet which identify group targets and strategies to support learning.
At SEN Support, children are placed on the SEN register as barriers to learning are affecting progress in one or more of the following: Communication and Interaction, Cognitive and Learning, Social, Mental and Emotional Health and Sensory and /or Physical. SEN Support takes the form of a four-part cycle (assess, plan, do, review). This is known as the graduated approach. At Highburton CE First Academy, children at the SEN Support level have an SEN Support Plan which identifies individual targets and strategies to support learning. The children receive evidence-based support and interventions that are matched to their areas of need. Support Plans are shared with parents in line with the school’s assessment and reporting cycle at the end of each term.
Effective collaboration with specialist services contributes to the: assess, plan, do, review cycle for the children with SEND. At Highburton CE First Academy, there is regular partnership working with the Educational Psychology Service, Specialist Support Teaching Service, Speech and Language Therapy and the Mental Health Support Team.
EHCPs identify the specific needs, outcomes and provision for individual pupils with SEND who require support beyond what the school can offer. They receive additional support that can be provided using high needs funding made available through the EHCP.
The impact of SEND provision is monitored through termly review of Individual Education Plans, Intervention Record Sheets and whole school assessment systems. Provision linked to EHCPs is reviewed through the child centred annual review process.
Progress is tracked through specific intervention records as well as whole school assessment systems e.g. Insight and the pre-key stage standard record.
The impact of SEND provision at Highburton CE First Academy is assessed through specific monitoring. Accompanying evidence is provided through pupil interviews, lesson visits, teachers questionnaires, work trawls, learning walks and the analysis of data.
Please visit Kirklees Local Offer link below:
Special Educational Needs Policy