Highburton C.E. First Academy

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✨Early Years Foundation Stage✨

Welcome to Reception

Spring 2


Please use our class page to find useful links and documents to help support your child on their learning journey. This page is updated half-termly to keep you up to date of any notices and will inform you of what your child is learning about in school. If you have any questions at all, please come and speak to our friendly team who are more than happy to help.


Thank you for your continued support. We are looking forward to a wonderful and successful term ahead.



  • Mrs Haigh - Class Teacher/Foundation Stage Leader/ Phonics and Early Reading Leader  
  • Mrs Senior - Educational Teaching Assistant 

Important Messages & Notices 

✨ Please ensure your child brings a coat to school everyday. We play out in all weathers as part of our EYFS curriculum.

✨Please bring a bag with spare clothes in for your child to keep on their peg in school.

✨Please ensure all items of clothing including shoes and wellington boots are labelled and also snack boxes to avoid any confusion.

✨We change your child's phonics book and library book every Friday so please make sure they are in your child's book bag on this day to exchange. Your child should be able to read their phonics book by themselves and your library book is for you to read to your child. This will help your child develop a love for reading!

✨Please log your reading on BoomReader which is an online digital reading record. 

✨Every Friday your child will come home with a mat with the phonemes they have learnt that week along with some CVC words to practise reading to embed learning.

✨P.E is every Friday. Your child can come to school in P.E kit on this day.


Spring 1 Newsletter

Please read the document below to find out what your child is learning about this half-term.

Phonics and Early Reading

Highburton First Academy follows the Department for Education-validated phonics programme 'Little Wandle'. Please visit the link below to view Little Wandle's Parents Page to find out how you can support your child with saying their sounds and writing letters at home. There are lots of 'how to' videos online to help you support your child with phonics. If you would like any additional support or resources to help support your child, please speak to Mrs Haigh or Mrs Senior who are always happy to help! 



At Highburton we follow the NCETM Mastering Number approach alongside White Rose to teach maths. Both of these schemes aim to develop early maths skills to secure firm foundations in number sense so that over time children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and confidence and flexibility with number. 

This half-term there will be a focus on composing and decomposing numbers which involves the children investigating part-part-whole relations, e.g. seeing that 5 can be made of 3 and 2.


Please take a look at our Phonics and Writing PowerPoints. They aim to help with understanding on how we teach both, any questions and please get in touch!


Phonics PowerPoint

Writing PowerPoint

Phonics and Reading Information Sheet


In Reception the children work towards objectives from the government statutory document Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory document.

The Early Learning Goals can be found below. The Early Learning Goals are the level of progress children are expected to have attained by the end of their reception year 

Here are some websites that you may find useful.


Phonics Play

Oxford Owl

