Highburton C.E. First Academy

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Welcome to the start of Key Stage two.

Our teacher is Mrs Glossop. 

Our ETA is Miss Squires. 

Please read our Autumn Newsletter

Please read our Spring Newsletter. 

Here is our class timetable. 

Snow Day 06.01.25

Good Morning Year 3! 

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and new year. 

Activities for today... 

  • Purple Mash - revisit coding, spreadsheets and become familiar with using the keyboard during touch typing. 
  • TT Rock Stars - Practice your times tables x2, x3, x4, x5 and x10. 
  • Daily 10 - Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
  • Choose a snow day activity from the link below.

KS2 Snow Day Activities 

 Here is our beautiful classroom. 

Design and Technology 

During this term, we are learning about seasonal foods. We are very fortunate to have our very own forest school. 

Year 3 have been learning about seasonal fruit to create apple crumbles. Here you can see the children in action. 


ICT helps us to begin to explore technology that we will come into contact with as we get older. We have been learning about online safety, using TT rock stars to strengthen our times tables and also started to explore coding. 

How can you help your child at home? 

Click on this link for Reading. 

Click on this link for Times Tables.