year 2
Welcome to Year Two's page. On here you will find our latest newsletters and pictures of the children working in our class.
Please click on the link below to see what Year Two will be up to this term.
Here are some pictures of our classroom! We are really proud of it!
We watched Something Fishy and wrote about it- we were asked to use lots of description. We then looked at an artist called Cassie Stephens and we created pictures like her tile work.
As part of our Art Topic the children looked at the artist Roy Litchenstein and based some giant art work based upon his work 'The Explosion'. The children worked collaboratively and used techniques such as collage, painting and using mixed media to add colour. They look amazing!
Our theme this term for collective worship is Thankfulness. We know in year two what we are thankful for and wanted to write it down. Here are some of our thoughts.
Musical talents
One of our year 2 children playing the guitar.
(Media will continue converting in the background)
In PE we were lucky enough for Kirkburton Middle School to work with us for a term. We loved it and here are some photographs of us bust at work.
Maths is fun! Here are some websites you might find useful.
Websites to help your child measure:
Websites to help your child tell the time:
Websites to help your child with their times tables:
Apps to help your child with maths and use maths skills:
Daydream Education - Addition & Subtraction
Hopscotch (Free!)
Daisy the Dinosaur (Free!)
Maths, Age 4-6 (Free!)