Pupil Premium Grant
Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed annually at the end of each academic year.
What is Pupil Premium funding?
- Pupil Premium money is given to schools to help them to help children from low income families to make faster progress in lessons.
- Funding is based on the number of children in school who have had free school meals at any point in the past 6 years; children who are in care or are adopted; and children who have family members in the armed forces.
- 4% of our pupils currently receive pupil premium funding (2022-2023)
- Our Pupil premium funding is reviewed by the end of the Autumn Term each year. Our next review is due in October 2023.
Pupil Premium Strategy and impact Statement for 2024/25 (3 year)
Pupil Premium Strategy and impact Statement for 2022/23 (3 year)
Pupil Premium Strategy and impact Statement for 2021/22
Pupil Premium Strategy and Impact Statement for 2020/21