Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to Year Four's page. Here you will find our latest curriculum newsletters and pictures of the children working in our class.
Snow Day Tasks
Please see some examples of activities that you could do during the snow day.
Apart from these there will also be activities on Purplemash that you can complete and of course you can go on to TT Rockstars or read a book.
- Snowy Story Writing: Write a story titled The Snowy Adventure. Include a beginning, middle, and end. Use at least 5 adjectives to describe the snow.
- Snow Day Poetry: Write an acrostic poem using the word "SNOWFLAKE."
- Reading Challenge: Read a book or a chapter. Write down 3 unusual words and their meanings.
- Creative Letter: Write a letter to a snowman, asking about their life in the snow.
- Snowball Counting: Create snowball maths problems (e.g., "If I make 5 snowballs and my friend makes 7, how many do we have together?").
- Shape Hunt: Go outside and find shapes in the snow. Sketch them and label their properties (e.g., sides, angles).
- Snow Measurement: Measure the depth of the snow in 3 places and find the average.
- Melting Experiment: Collect some snow and see how long it takes to melt indoors. Predict the time first.
- Tracks in the Snow: Look for animal or bird tracks. Sketch and research what animal made them.
- Snowflake Research: Find out why every snowflake is unique and draw a snowflake pattern.
Art and DT
- Snow Sculpture: Build a mini snowman or snow creature and take a photo to share.
- Winter Wonderland Drawing: Create a snowy landscape using pencils, crayons, or paints.
- Paper Snowflakes: Cut and fold paper to make decorative snowflakes.
- Snowball Throwing Game: Practice your throwing and aim by tossing snowballs at a target.
- Snow Angel Challenge: Make as many snow angels as you can in a minute.
- Winter Workout: Create a winter-themed exercise routine, including jumping over "snowdrifts" or pretending to skate.
- Weather Report: Write a report about the snow day weather, including temperature and snow conditions.
- Snow Around the World: Research a country where snow is common and write 3 facts about it.
Fun Extras
- Snowy Scavenger Hunt: Make a list of 5 things to find in the snow (e.g., a stick, a pinecone, animal tracks).
- Hot Chocolate Instructions: Write step-by-step instructions for making the perfect hot chocolate.
- Snow Joke Book: Write 5 snow or winter-themed jokes.
Mr Booth - Head of School Mrs Pogson - HLTA Teacher Training Student - Mrs Garside
Click on the link below to access a document containing lots of useful numeracy links, including times table activities.
Maths Vocabulary: Click on this link to go to a maths dictionary
White Rose Maths produce Parent Help Guides to run alongside the teaching done in class. Click on a link to go to each guide.
Times Table Test
All children in Year 4 undertake a times table test in the Spring Term. For more information click the link below.
Times Table Information
All Year 4 pupils will take a statutory times table test next year. Below are links to useful times table activities. please encourage your children to learn their tables. The way numeracy is now taught, times table knowledge is vital.
Quad Kids
Year 4 Artwork