Welcome to Year 5 - Our class page!
Hello and welcome to Year 5's class page!
We are Year 5, top of the school! Miss Lane is our teacher.
We value our roles and responsibilities in school, being role models for the younger years. In our final year at our first school, we have so many great opportunities we can take part in. We lead on initiatives and whole school enrichments including House captains, Play leaders and Befrienders and we also support our school in the many jobs we have such as Collective Worship team and Milk Monitors just to name a couple.
We have many things to look forward to in Year 5 which help us to grow and flourish and become more independent as we prepare to transition to our next stage of school life. This year we will be going on a residential and we will experience trips outside of school throughout the year.
Thank you for visiting our page... stay tuned for updates!
Year 5 pupils
Snow Day 06.01.25
Happy New Year, Year 5!
After all the Christmas fun, I'm sure you were ready to come back to school today so here are some activities below to keep you busy.
- Reading extract here - 'The boy at the back of the class'
Read all about what we get up to in Year 5 - our curriculum is full of learning and fun!
For your information, here is our Class Timetable:
To support your child at home, see the attached reading and timetables resources you can access through the links.
Year 5 Class Assembly
Year 5 did an incredible job of performing their class assembly about their time at Robinwood in the style of a educational tour around Dobroyd Castle learning the history of the owner, Lord Dobroyd as well as explaining the fun they had on their residential back in October.
To send in any work completed at home please use the following email address: