Online Safety
In this section you will be directed to websites that will inform you about Online Safety. You will find browsers for children and search engines appropriate for children.
Guidance for parents and carers on online sexual harassment and keeping children safe online
Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for parents and carers to keep children safe online
In this ever changing world of online apps and games, do you know what to look out for to keep your children safe? We have included some factsheets/help sheets and information guides below and will be regularly adding to them. Click on the links for more information.
Parental Controls and filtering advice:
Online safety - For online safety advice please follow the link below:
Parent Factsheet - Screen time
Protecting Children’s Privacy Online – A Guide for Parents, Carers and Educators
The Momo Challenge- what it is and how to keep your child safe
TikTok - with the recent news coverage of the potential dangers of the popular app TikTok, please look at the National Online Safety information sheet and talk to your children about keeping themselves safe online.
Parenting In a Digital World - a guide for parents that covers key areas of online safety for primary-aged children
Screen Addiction - help your child find the right screen time balance.
FIFA - a parent's guide
Kik - online safety guide for parents
Stay Safe at Home - a Christmas online safety song for parents. If you have digital gifts under your tree, watch this.
YouTube - what parents need to know
Fortnite - a parent' guides need to know
Online Safety Tips - for parents of primary school children
Minecraft - top tips for parents
Online Bullying - what children need to know
Parents - Please click here and make yourself familiar with this document!
Safer Internet Day 6th February 2024 Safer Internet day is celebrated all over the world, the theme this year is: Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online. This global event highlights the importance of promoting a safer and more responsible use of online technology, especially among children and young people. In today's digital age, the internet offers incredible opportunities for learning, creativity, and communication. However, it also presents various risks and challenges, particularly for our children. As educators and caregivers, it's our collective responsibility to ensure that our students and children navigate the online world safely and responsibly. Throughout the day, our school engaged pupils in various activities and discussions centered around online safety and digital citizenship. We believe that equipping our students with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions online is essential for their well-being and future success. We encourage you to take part in Safer Internet Day 2024 by having conversations with your children about the importance of online safety. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 1. **Set Clear Boundaries**: Establish rules and guidelines for your children's online activities, including the amount of time spent online and the types of websites they can visit. 2. **Encourage Open Communication**: Create an environment where your children feel comfortable discussing their online experiences with you. Encourage them to come to you if they encounter anything that makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe online. 3. **Educate About Online Risks**: Help your children understand the potential dangers of the internet, including cyberbullying, online predators, and scams. Teach them how to recognize warning signs and protect themselves online. 4. **Lead by Example**: Be a positive role model for your children by demonstrating responsible online behaviour yourself. Show them how to use the internet responsibly and respectfully. 5. **Stay Informed**: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in online safety. Take advantage of resources and tools available to help you keep your children safe online. Safer Internet Day serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting a safer and more inclusive online environment for everyone. By working together as a community, we can empower our children to make smart and responsible choices online.
Please click on the link below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet.
Safer Internet Day 7th February 2023 Safer Internet day is celebrated all over the world, the theme this year was: Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online. KS1 and KS2 had an assembly about the internet and what they access online. We discussed how to keep safe when playing online and what to do (and who to talk to) if they were worried about something. We also talked about making sure that parents were aware about what they were playing and that it was suitable for them to access. The children were very mature, sensible and knowledgeable about their safety when using devices online. Please click on the link below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet.
Safer Internet Day 2022 - 8th February Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Theme - All fun and games - Exploring respect and relationships online. Please click on the link below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. During Safer Internet Day each Key Stage had a collective worship about how important it is to keep safe online. This year’s theme is; exploring respect and relationships online. Each class used resources from the Safer Internet website and discussed the topics. We discussed the importance of relationships online with our peers but also who we can trust online. The children discussed the online platforms they went on and their own experiences. Please see the resources below about online safety.
Safer Internet Day 2021 - 9th February Theme - An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world Please click on the link below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. Safer Internet day information During Safer Internet Day each Key Stage had a collective worship about how important it is to keep safe online. This year’s theme is An internet we trust :exploring reliability in the online world. Each class used resources from the Safer Internet website and discussed the topics.
Safer Internet Day 2020 - 11th February Theme - Free To Be Me - Online Identity Please click on the link below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. Safer Internet day information During Safer Internet Day each Key Stage had a collective worship about how important it is to keep safe online. This year’s theme is Free To Be Me and the focus was all about online identity and how it is necessary to keep our online identity safe when using the internet. Each class then had a lesson about keeping their online identity safe and how they should act when playing online. Reception and KS1 created their own profile pictures and chose a safe username so people didn't know who they were. In KS2 we discussed what we could share online and what was personal information which we shouldn't share online. Year 4 and 5 created leaflets to describe how they should protect their identity online. |
Safer Internet Day 2019 - 5th February Theme - Together for a better internet. Please click on the links below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. Safer Internet day information During the Safer Internet day the children looked at how they use the internet. KS2 discussed what they are able to do online and how they should behave appropriately. In class we discussed the rules about how to behave and stay safe on the sites, games and apps we like to use. We talked about looking for buttons that let you block, mute and report other users who aren’t behaving and always ask for help if there is something you are not sure about. Reception and KS1 discussed that when we go online there are lots of choices we have to make. For example, which game should I play? Should I reply to that message? Should I click that button? We talked about making choices that are kind, respectful and safe and always check with an adult if you’re unsure about something online. |
Safer Internet Day 2018 - 6th February Theme - Create, Connect and Share Respect - A better internet starts with you. Please click on the links below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. Safer Internet day information During the Safer Internet day the children looked at how to behave online. They discussed that they should behave appropriately in the virtual world like they would do in the real world. Reception and KS1 looked at how they use the internet and what they should do if they see something online which they don't like and makes them feel uncomfortable. |
Safer Internet Day 2017 - 7th February Theme - The Power of the Image Please click on the links below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. Safer Internet day information During the Safer Internet day the children looked at how to be safe online and that if they are not careful they could harm their online reputation. Reception and KS1 looked at how to keep their personal details safe and discussed which photographs could have personal details on them if they were posted online |
Safer Internet Day 2016 - 9th February Theme - Creating a better Internet for all Please click on the links below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. Safer Internet day information During Safer Internet day we discussed what would make the perfect internet. We talked about being appropriate online and what we should access. We looked at the the not so nice side of the internet and what we should do if we don't feel comfortable. The children knew that they must always tell someone if they think something is wrong. |
Safer Internet Day 2015 - 10th February Please click on the links below to access information for parents on how to keep safe on the internet. |
Children’s Section Online Safety
Part of the child exploitation and online protection (CEOP)
CEOP main site
Internet Watch Foundation Keep you children safe online. |
Child friendly Browser
Firefly Web Browser
Filter Content In Popular Search Engines
Please make yourself familiar with the websites on the link below. Some of them your children could be using and could be at risk.
E Safety Day 2013
During the E Safety day the theme encouraged pupils to consider what their online rights were. They were asked the question - Do we have a right to access all information? Do we have a right to control our privacy?
Online Safety Code 2021
Online Safety information for parents
Please find some useful information about how to stay safe on the internet for you and your child.
Online Safety awareness meeting for parents power point.